i hate this game
this is the most agrivating game ive ever played on newgrounds and i hate u for making it how in hell do u get past the 300 ft away from city limits.
i hate this game
this is the most agrivating game ive ever played on newgrounds and i hate u for making it how in hell do u get past the 300 ft away from city limits.
pretty cool
maby when u finish the flashy hand thing you could make it an actule costimize optoin
i just broke like 11mill $ awsome game when bored
kinda boring
its very repetitive not alot to the game once your done with a few leves youv pretty much seen the whole game.
this game is old your talking about waiting 4 the new twighlight princes game theyv already remade that for a new system.
fucking falling shit landed on top of me and i was at like 4000 somthing skiping entire buldings in one leap. i love this game
awsome game
i love this game man heres what i came up with
(bumpin heads)-dcS-ccS-ccS-ccS-ccS-ccS-ncS-cc S-ccS-ccS-ccS-ccS-ccS-ccS-ccS-ccS-ccS -ccS-ccS-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-N,-kmp-cmp-gmp-g mp-gmp-gmpmp-gmp-gmp-gmp-dmj-cmj-Z-Z-
cbF-kfD-cfD-cfD-cfD-chf-chf-chf-chf-c hf-chf-chf-cfD-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Q,-lnT-cnT -cnT-cnT-cnT-cnT-cnT-cnR-cnR-cnR-cnR-
bnT-cnW-cnV-cnV-cnW-cnR-cnV-cnW-cmc-Z -Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-N
10 all the way
this is the best game iv played zombies are so much fun and i killed the clerck in practic mode i used the lazer pistol to do it.
cant wait for the compleat keep it up.
ok but
the only resan i remotly like it is it gives me a quike link to maddnes wich is no use becas it takes less time just to go to it if i hade made this it would have been blamed if any one besides a staff meber made this it wouldd have been blamed. im sorry its the truth youv got some good stuff but this is crap.
chor monkey
Joined on 4/19/08